Terms of Service:

  • By participating in Dismay Chrysanthemum Project you agree that this web site won't be shared anywhere with anyone, only certain people must have a link to access this site.
  • You cannot do any types of recordings on this web site (Videos, photos, downloading copies, etc., all of that is strongly prohibited)
  • Every imput on this web site is getting sent to Dismay Chrysanthemum's Project servers where all of the data will be analysed to find the correct participent.
  • Before your unavoidable death, you agree that you will erase any existance of this web site on any of the Web Browsers that you have used, otherwise, we will do it for you within a week.
  • By using this web site you agree, that you know how to use the "Grid Code", proper ways of encoding and decoding the information written with it and when to stop.

  • By participating in Dismay Chrysanthemum Project you agree that you don't know who Maximus is and the cause of Alex's death.

  • By participating in Dismay Chrysanthemum Project you agree that time is not a concept.
  • You never should trust anyone.
  • Once again, no recordings of this website should be used, we will know.
  • If you ever will bring other people into the Dismay Chrysanthemum's Project, you agree that they will have to follow the same rules with the same punishments.
  • Any vague descriptions of Terms of Service is not a coincidence.
  • Any personal information here is secured, but you agree that you must share with everything, including:
  • Crimes you've done.

    People you've ever met.

    Any emotional trauma, phobias, level of pain before you will faint, etc.

  • You agree that you or your team might experience minor cases of death.
  • By participating in Dismay Chrysanthemum Project you agree that regret is not a concept.
  • "I will finish my goal" is the way you live your life.