Dismay Chrysanthemum Project


This is Dismay Chrysanthemum's Project Service and Appliance hotline, current version is under the development and strict monitoring. You understand that you will have to keep it as a secret that you know or even been on this page and you understand that all of the shared information will be analysed to find the Correct Participants. By being on this web page you are accepting our Terms of Service and possible castigations, dangers. You understand that our project won't take any responsibilities and/or consequences for:

  • Possible psychical and mental traumas with the participants including yourself.
  • Minor cases of unavoidable death.
  • Lied or partitionally true information about yourself or your team that you have shared with.

  • Every account must be registered, if you are on this page and the account that is linked to it is not yours, please, find the (if available) body of the account's owner and keep everything you've read as a secret. You are officially in the Dismay Chrysanthemum's Project now, so silence must be kept. To continue the Service and Appliance check, make sure to accept everything below, on the next page you will be able to read more about us, what we are doing, goals, definition time and possible coincidences, make your choice.